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Table 3 Results of questions on facilities and advocacy

From: Nighttime working as perceived by Italian anesthesiologists: a secondary analysis of an international survey


All (n = 1085)


N (%)

Does your hospital have rooms dedicated to relaxation for all doctors working at night?


286 (26%)


799 (74%)

Does your hospital have rest facilities available for doctors who have worked during the night, to be used before returning home?


893 (82%)


192 (18%)

Does your hospital provide free meals, snacks, and beverages (i.e., water, coffee, tea) to doctors working at night?


965 (89%)


120 (11%)

Were you informed of the consequences of nightwork before you started working as a trainee?


860 (79%)


225 (21%)

Have you ever received training, information, or tips on how to improve your performance when working at night?


1034 (95%)


51 (5%)

Does your hospital have a program to monitor stress or fatigue in night shift workers?


1075 (99%)


10 (1%)

During nighttime, do you have the possibility to discuss clinical issues or involve another colleague in difficult clinical decisions?

Usually, no

183 (17%)


418 (38%)

Yes, always when I feel I need it

484 (45%)

During nighttime, do you feel comfortable calling the person “on call” to come into the hospital?


374 (34%)


332 (31%)


379 (35%)

You responded “only sometimes” or “no” please state the MAIN cause

Total = 706


39 (5%)

The person I am calling in is senior to me

61 (9%)

The person I am calling in may argue with me about the need to come on the basis of case complexity or the number of cases

146 (21%)

The person I am calling in or my colleagues may think I am not suited for this job

29 (4%)

The person I am calling in will be calling me in on another day

39 (6%)

The person I am calling in will be judging my performance when my tenure/promotion is brought up for discussion

24 (3%)

The person I am calling works on the following day, and I do not want to deprive them of sleep

368 (52%)

  1. Data are reported as number and percentages