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Table 2 Nighttime workload characteristics of the respondents

From: Nighttime working as perceived by Italian anesthesiologists: a secondary analysis of an international survey


All (n = 1085)


N (%)

How many nights are you on-call (standby at home) every month?

3 [1–4]

On nights that you are on call (standby at home), how many times you get called into the hospital on an average?

I’m not on call (at home)

252 (23%)

Almost every time

130 (12%)


396 (37%)


307 (28%)

How many nights do you work on site (all night in the hospital) every month?

4 [4, 5]

How many times are you called per night when you are on site shift (all night in the in-hospital)?

I’m not on site

16 (2%)

2–4 times

438 (40%)

Five times or more

270 (25%)

One time a night at most

66 (6%)

We work all night running

295 (27%)

When you work during the night, how many consecutive work hours does your shift include overall?

I’m not on site

16 (1%)


120 (11%)


73 (7%)


816 (76%)


25 (2%)


19 (2%)


16 (1%)

Which kind of schedule strategy is employed in your hospital?

Consecutive night shifts (number of night shifts in a row alternating with number of day shifts in a row)

25 (2%)

Irregular night shifts

760 (70%)

Permanent night shift work (primarily or only night shifts)

45 (4%)

Rotating shift with 1 day off (night shift and day shift together and then 1 recovery day)

210 (20%)

Rotating shift with 2 days off (night shift and day shift together and then 2 recovery days)

45 (4%)

Is it common for you to work at night after having worked on the same day?

No, never

557 (51%)


275 (25%)


137 (13%)

Yes, frequently

76 (7%)

Yes, always

40 (4%)

What type of patient do you attend to during nighttime?

Postanesthesia care unit/intensive care unit team activity

676 (62%)

Emergency surgery

815 (75%)

Elective Surgery

104 (10%)

Emergency medical team activity

551 (51%)

  1. Data are reported as number and percentages or median and interquartile range as appropriate