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Table 2 Possible mechanisms of raised ICP that involve increase in one or more of the contents of the skull: blood (arterial or venous), CSF (hydrocephalus), or brain parenchyma (interstitial edema or tumor). ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; SDH: subdural hemorrhage

From: Intracranial pressure for clinicians: it is not just a number

Compartment involved in raised ICP

Cause of raised ICP

Possible adequate treatment


Increased production (rare) or reduced absorption

CSF drainage


Obstructed venous outflow (i.e. head positioning, sinuses thrombosis or compression, ARDS, prone positioning, abdominal compartment syndrome)

Repositioning of the head

Adjust ventilation

Neuromuscular blockage

Venous thrombectomy or stent


Abdominal surgery

Arterial vasodilation (impaired autoregulation)

Brief hyperventilation

Vasoconstrictor drugs increase


Appropriate treatment based on the source (i.e. coiling/clipping of aneurysms, evacuation and hemostasis for SDH)


Interstitial edema

Mannitol, hypertonic saline, decompressive craniectomy

Tumor/other mass lesions


Surgical excision