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Table 1 (abstract A56). See text for description

From: Abstracts of the ICARE 2022 76th SIAARTI National Congress


Total patients (N=65)

Age, years

83 ± 8

Height, cm

164 ± 7

Weight, Kg

65 ± 12

Body mass index, Kg/m2

24 ± 4


47 (72)


18 (28)

Level of education:


9 (14)

 Elementary school diploma

17 (26)

 Lower secondary school diploma

9 (14)

 High school diploma

22 (34)


8 (12)

ASA status:


2 (3)


25 (38)


36 (56)


2 (3)

Medical history:

 Cardiovascular diseases

50 (77)

  Permanent atrial fibrillation

11 (17)

  Previous coronary artery revascularization

5 (7)

 Chronic kidney disease

6 (9)


8 (12)

 Hepatic diseases

2 (3)

 Neurologic diseases

20 (31)

  Major depression

4 (6)

  Muscular dystrophy

1 (1)

  Parkinson disease

2 (3)

  Previous stroke/cerebral hemorrhage

4 (6)

  Vascular dementia

9 (14)

 Pulmonary diseases

19 (29)

 Severe hearing loss

15 (23)

Medical history:


19 (29)

 Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

39 (60)

 Anticoagulants/Antiplatelet agents

31 (47)


25 (38)


19 (29)

 Oral hypoglicemic agents

4 (6)


2 (3)

Type of fracture:

 Head/Neck femoral fracture

30 (46)

 Pertrochanteric femoral fracture

35 (54)

Type of surgery:

 General anesthesia

30 (46)

 Subarachnoid analgesia

35 (54)

 Suprainguinal fascia iliaca/femoral nerve block

35 (54)

Time from hospital arrival to surgery, hours

41 (34-48)

Hospital length of stay, days

9 (7-12)

30-day mortality

4 (6)

ADL score

5 ± 1

IADL score

5 ± 3

Preoperative MoCA test score of patients who developed POD (N=5)

21 ± 4

MoCA test score at discharge of patients who developed POD (N=5)

19 ± 6

Preoperative MoCA test score of patients who did not develop POD (N=38)

22 ± 5

MoCA test score at discharge of patients who did not develop POD (N=38)

23 ± 5

  1. Demographic, Baseline, Surgical and Cognitive Characteristics of the Study Population. Data are presented as N (%), mean ± standard deviation or median (interquartile range)
  2. ASA American Society of Anaesthesiologists, ADL Activities Daily Living, IADL Instrumental Activities Daily Living, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, POD Postoperative Delirium